Bathrooms are often enclosed spaces. Not all of them have windows because while natural lighting is always nice, privacy is essential in this room of the house. If you feel like your bathroom is too dark for your needs, look into bathroom fixtures that bring the light.
- Can Lighting– One of the bathroom fixtures that can really spread light around the room is can lighting. You can place can lights out of the way in a variety of areas in the space. Put one over the bathtub, another by the sink, and some by the entry door. Lighting is no longer a problem!
- Higher Wattage– Check your current fixtures. What wattage do they use? If you can go up on bulb wattage, do so. Otherwise, you may want to get fixtures that can handle bulbs that put out more light and cover the space evenly.
- Mirror Lighting– One of the most important places to light within the bathroom is around the mirror. Look for bathroom fixtures that surround the mirror so you can direct light at your face and hair and do a better job getting ready each morning.
Bathroom lighting isn’t everyone’s specialty, but here at Custom Crafted Kitchens & Baths, we know everything you need to know about bathroom fixtures. Give us a call, and we’ll help you figure out what you want and how you can suit your functionality needs within any bathroom in your house.